Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week-5, Made us Worthy

I enjoyed myself a lot while reading the required articles for this week especially about the PBL and the web-quests. PBL approach is designed to a more autonomous learning directed by more responsible students. It's not an easy task to design projects and incorporate them in the curricula in a way that match the required topics and objectives. But it's definitely worthy trying this shift in the whole spectrum of the teaching curricula.
I tried the extra credit activity, not because of the "extra”, but I took it as a challenge to give it a try to Zunal. The site is user-friendly and provides simple guidelines to help you create your own webquest from ready-made webquests or from scratch. Setting up the configuration is not at all difficult. What took me some time was to describe a real world task that could be appealing and fun to my students. The evaluation came easily as I had already created a rubric!


  1. Hi Arifeen,
    I was pleasantly surprised to see you WebQuest! Nice job! I am sure you will give it a second thought, but I like it in general. Will you try your WebQuest with students? Hope it will work nice! Good luck!!!

    1. Hi Yuliya,
      I plan to use WebQuest but I need to familiarize myself with it first.

      Good luck to everyone.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Arifeen,

    As it is said "A good beginning is half the battle", you did a great work by creating a webquest. I think that you'll manage to improve it. I agree with you that the most important point that requires some thought and time in this case is the choice of a real life task provoking students'interest.

    All the best,
    Zarifa, Uzbekistan

  4. Dear Arifeen,

    It is definitely not easy to create PBL and integrate them in a curricula, specially when the curricula is already packed. In certain academic context, it is a long process to try to change a curricula. There are lots of players involved and as many interests. Just think about how they decide on a certain textbook!
    In such rigid setting one would have to 'sneak' a little project as additional work. Sometimes it works if the students are motivated enough to put the extra time and effort out of the classroom.
    It is worth the try!

    Hassan, Lebanon
