Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 7: Learner Autonomy and the One-computer Classroom

This week our focal issues fall on ‘Learner Autonomy and the One-computer Classroom’ which have been discussed widely among our group. The issues assigned every week are definitely valuable for us, teachers of English or those who teach other languages. Our students should be encouraged to be autonomous learners because our world has been changing with information technologies. They should be exposed to the information themselves under their teacher guidance.

Thanasoulas’ article provided me detailed information concerning ‘Learner Autonomy’ with regard to the definition of ‘Learner Autonomy’, as Thanasoulas ( stated, the relevant literature is riddled with innumerable definitions of autonomy, I do agree with Holec’s definition (1981, 1983, cited in Thanasoulas) that 'the ability to take charge of one's learning' and ‘the learner's willingness and capacity to control or oversee her own learning’. If I were asked to define the term I might do it shortly as ‘learning to learn’. This is in line with Holec’ s suggestion in that autonomy is a process, not a product. Whit this regard, I think it should be ongoing or lifelong process.

Some part of the article provides me with new perspective ,that is, constructivism view positing that knowledge cannot be taught but only learned because knowledge is something 'built up by the learner' (Candy, 1991, cited in Thanasoulas) . Therefore, to encourage our students gain more knowledge or experience, learner autonomy must be promoted. One-computer Classroom is the other interesting and practical issue. Strategies and applications for the One-computer Classroom are suggested.

To sum up, I can say that by week 7, I feel more confident in implementing technology in class because I know the methodology and different ways and techniques that go with it. Also, weekly readings, tasks, experience sharing and discussions are helping a lot!

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