Friday, January 13, 2012

My first step into blogging

Hello everybody!
I'm Muhammad Shajedul Arifeen. Since the project has started, I'm going slow and till today I'm a slow participant. The reason is I don't have any technical experience except checking mails. This time when I started, I found myself in a mess and seemed that creating blog is a difficult one; even the posting as well. This time I'm on the way of having my first blog but I don't know whether it will work or not. However, this is a tool to be used for language teaching as well as a communication tool for both teachers and students.
Before conclude, I must show my sincere gratitude to Jodi and Sherie for their cooperation from the very beginning of the course and providing me an opportunity to have a course like this.


  1. Hi Arifeen,

    GREAT work on getting your first blog started! It can be a bit difficult to navigate all the different webpages. I can get overwhelmed, too. But you have a great success here.


  2. Great work here, Muhammed. And we all appreciate your transparency in sharing your experience of creating your blog.

