Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week-3: My Experience

This week was full of many theories to read about implementing technology in our teaching classes plus  lots of practical tips to be used in implementing various types of technology.
Next, the websites those give tips and lesson plans. Specially Randall's Cyber Listening Lab: which is directed to improve students' listening skill. I searched the site and found it really organized and clear. It depends on the pre/while/post form of presenting the listening activities and it ranges from beginner levels to upper intermediate from which teachers can choose what suit their students' needs.

Coming to what is really delicious and tasty "Creating my delicious".  I was doing to save a link using Favorites/ Bookmark in menu of a browser. However, when I was using another computer, I had to save the link in my email and come home and save the link in my Favorites (if I didn’t forget to do so). Now, Things have got a lot easier.
Thanks to Jodi and Sherie for for all of us as a nice gift.


  1. I think you are right Arifeen that we have been introduced to many great websites that will definitely help us utilize our students skills,specially the some how ignored ones(listening and mainly speaking).Thanks to Deliciou as well for keeping my bookmarks(i willd encourage my students to use it).

  2. I also like And I enjoy using It has a lot of activities: games, cards and so on.

  3. Doing the audio/oral site also made me lurk and explore more other interesting site. At times I was addicted to trying out the exercises until it made me forget my purpose was to compare the sites instead of playing games :)

  4. Hello Arifeen,
    It was an interesting but tiring journey as we were exploring reliable sites! I also agree with you on the validity of
    In fact, it took me some time, and I was about to be delayed to submit my assignment!
    Best regards,
