Sunday, January 15, 2012


This week was really hectic to me. Cause, I told you I'm a slow learner as well as technophobia works in me. However, I've learned a lot and this week was full of new experiences, tensions above all creativity. Specially, blog, which's made me enthusiastic. Do you know why? After the successful posting of my first blog, it was full of ecstasy. May be there is nothing  to impress you but it was totally new to me. Again, getting new friends, though I couldn't say hello to every body, Hi!, is much more enjoyable. Not only this, from next week receiving some constructive suggestions from our fellows will bring extra charm to the course.


  1. I'm excited that you're excited about your new blog, Arifeen! Don't worry about having a bit of technophobia. I like technology, but at times it seems overwhelming to me, too.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Muhammad Shajedul Arifeen,

    Congratulations, you did it! Now you have a blog, and it's going to change your life.

    I do understand your words about the frustration of the first steps in the digital world. Trust me - it will be fine. Just keep going. We all have gone through this. Good luck! If you need help, you can ask me too.

    Val, Belarus

    P.S. I am using your three names because I don't know which one you'd prefer to be used. Please, advise.

    1. Hi Val,

      Sorry for being late. Thanks for your caring. By the way, call me Arifeen.

      Arifeen/ Bangladesh
