Thursday, March 15, 2012

Week- 10

Finally, we are at the end of our online thread. This great experience is impressively sealed in my memory. This course convinces me that the Internet accessing definitely motivates our students to be autonomous learners. However, this should be under teacher guides.   From the starting point to the end of this course, I have learned many things useful for my educational career and I’m ready to transfer them to students and teachers.

I consider all of what I have learned from this course meaningful source for teachers of English. Therefore, if teachers applied the source to their teaching, I believe, students would pay more attention to language learning.

Without Oregon university support, I would have been a teacher with traditional teaching and would not have realized how technology encourages language teaching. I would like to thank Jodi and Sherie, our supervisor for your understanding various distant learners and hard work; our guest moderators, for sharing ideas and encouraging comments on our posts; and my classmates for great sharing and accompanying me to stand at this point. If possible, I would like all of teachers of English in my country experience such valuable experience.  

Best wishes to you all

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arifeen,

    I am so happy that you gained so much from the course. There are so many resources, and the weeks are so intensely filled with tasks and other homework that I know there is no way we can all learn all of it in just one week. What I believe is the beauty of the course is that everyone learns so much about what is available, and then can tap into those resources later to explore more fully and better determine just what to try with each class.

    It has been great "knowing" you through this class.

