Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week-9: Multiple Intelligence

This week, after submitting the final project I felt greatly relieved. But it’s reminding me that the course is coming to an end by the next week. The fusion of ideas of teachers from different parts of the world will turn into a sweet memory soon. But the lessons we all learnt will keep alive among us if we try to implement changes in our teaching with the help of these online techniques. I think the blogs and delicious sites will be floating in the web for all of us where we can continue our discussions over and over again.
This week I have gone through some articles on Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences. They have shown that teachers should consider students’ multiple intelligences and accordingly adjust their teaching styles. The learning styles of different learners are different due to their multiple intelligences and we as teachers must be careful to take individual learning style into account before applying technology in teaching them. There is much to learn from these articles. I will carefully go through each and every article that I have found this week. Terry O'Connor’s article on “Using Learning Styles to Adapt Technology for Higher Education” has changed my outlook about my learners. I never thought much of students’ learning styles and multiple intelligences but from now on I’ll take these issues more carefully.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks and greetings to my instructor Jodi and Sherie including all my dear fellow course mates. I will miss you all so much.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Arifeen,

    I also learned a great deal from O'Connor about leaning style in university students. I particularly praise his emphasis on critical thinking and a wholistic approach.

    Have a great final week.

