Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nice experience

In this week, I  am going with another opportunity to improve my skill and furnish my knowledge. Thanks to Jodi and Sherie. Thanks again for the Noodle tool. Three or four days back Google was the only engine, now I’ve around 100 and many I am not familiar with. My eyes got exhausted finding out besides Google which one suits best for academics. I’ve already put my opinion on Nicenet but  my searching will continue.

In addition to this, I worked with ABCD learning objectives and a project task. I have already posted my input on Nicenet and received few suggestions from my learned friends. Now, I have been thinking and planning how to bring my classroom under technology though resource is limited.
However, a long way is there and has kept my mind open to receive comments till the course ends.


  1. Hello Muhamad,
    Your comments are very genuine. I also was surprised at first, and it took me some time to get familiar with them. In fact, I was a little late to submit my assignment!
    Have an extremely happy blogging and best of luck.
    Nihmat, lebanon

    1. Hi Nihmat,
      Nice to see your comments. You're late, but slow always wins the race. Wish to see your comments in future.Anyway, you call me Arifeen.

      Arifeen/ Bangladesh

  2. Hello Arifeen,

    I was quite elated when I saw that someone else from Bangladesh is doing this course. I also had similar kind of experience as you in using search engines as I hardly used any other search engine beside Google. Now I feel resourceful to know such wide range of search engines. Hope to know more about your project as I also have similar kind of classroom setting.

    Farid, Bangladesh

  3. Dear Arifeen,
    As you mentioned , we are learning lot many things though this course. Hope the coming weeks will bring more academic surprises!

    Best Wishes,

  4. Hello Muhammad,

    Happy to read your nice words about ABCD learning objectives and the search engines. I agree with that we learn a lot from them and from each other as a team. Have a nice day!


  5. Dear Salam,

    Thanks your inspiration. I agree completely, it's a collaborative learning we are engaged with. one thing bro. I'm accustomed with calling Arifeen.

    Arifeen/ Bangladesh

  6. Dear Arifeen,
    I don't think you need to worry limited technology in your classroom. We are looking at lots and lots of websites and technology, but even just little bits can work very well. Don't feel bad if you don't have all the latest and greatest technology. It's how you use what you have.

    Jodi, Oregon
