Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 4: Technology Enhanced Lesson Plans

Hi everyone, 
This week we have read articles mostly dealing with benefits of using technology for instruction. The most important is we had to write a technology-enhanced lesson plan. Let me honestly tell you that I have never written lesson plans at our university; I learned how to write lesson plans when I was a university student. Actually, we do have lesson plans but they are the intrinsic ones, in our mind and we do not need to submit the plans to the university academic section. We know what we are going to do in a class because we have relied on course descriptions which we have to set contents accordingly. Mostly, we are encouraged to produce instructional materials by ourselves. 

The lesson plan model of the College of Education, University of South Carolina directs me to be more professional in my career. My technology-enhanced lesson plan proposed in nicenet might not be best because I have never used the Internet for my teaching. However, it is my first step for further plans. I do agree that planning the instruction is much more difficult than delivering the instruction as mentioned in "Lesson plans" from

I think the new generation of teacher of English should take technology-enhanced lesson plan into consideration since they are surrounded with technologies. Perhaps they can easily apply them to language instruction. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arifeen,

    I think it's great that you're taking little steps towards using the Internet in class. But even though I'm teaching this class, I'm still a firm believer in "old-fashioned" technology (the blackboard and overheads) as well! There is a time for everything.

